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How to Wash and Maintain Your New Vehicle Wrap

Dec 12, 2022 162 0
How to Wash and Maintain Your New Vehicle Wrap

Car vinyl wrap is not only a good way to protect your original car paint, but also a way to show your individual personality. With the car wrap become more and more popular, most people would ask how to wash and maintain your new vehicle wrap for a long time.

Car wrap film isn't meant to be installed on your vehicle and forgotten about, as you care about the rest of your vehicle and any perfectly painted surface, your car film needs regular cleaning and maintenance. To help prolong the life and aesthetics of your car wrap, wash your wrap regularly and keep your vehicle as free of possible contaminants as possible, this will help protect the wrap and prevent any vibrant colors from fading prematurely. Ravoony uses high quality vehicle wraps and recommend to use special car care products to keep your wraps looking their best.

Before get to know how to maintain car wrap film, it should be known first what is car wrap film.

If you consider the vinyl car wrap likes plastic and many modern paints use some type of polyurethane base, you could also properly refer to paint as a type of plastic. To be clear, whether glossy or matte wrap in appearance, polyurethane is not actually a plastic, but a flexible polymer molecule, better described as an elastomer. There are two key points needed to care for your surface for the softer nature of vinyl wrap. These two points are the same as those required for car paint protection, the only difference is that it is more important than vinyl. These two points are surface protection, and washing or cleaning.

Why car wrap need to be extra maintained?

Proper care of your vehicle wraps can allow it to last longer than it would be. In addition, there is proper care and extra care. A little extra can add years to the look of your car.

How often should the car film be cleaned?

As with any vehicle, it's best to wash a wrapped car when it looks dirty, as any contaminants, which allowed to remain on the wrap film, may become more difficult to remove. Do not use harsh scrubbing motions or abrasive tools as this can damage the film. Hand washing your vehicle is the preferred method of cleaning car wrap, if using this method, first spray as much dirt and grit as possible with water, then use a soft, clean cloth or sponge and a damp, non-abrasive cleaner to wash the vehicle. Be sure to wash and rinse off any residue immediately after you finish removing any contaminants. Always use a good quality car sponge or clean soft cloth to wash wraps, rinse the vehicle with clean water after washing and immediately use a silicone squeegee or chamois to minimize water spots, then wipe with a clean microfiber cloth Dry.

Some other maintenance tips to keep in mind when cleaning your vehicle with car wrap include:

Wrapped vehicles can optionally be washed with a non-contact system.

Washing your car with a brush can damage your vehicle's graphics, including dulling, scratching and lifting the edges of the film.

Vehicles with graphic wraps can also be pressure washed.

According to vehicle care guidelines, pressure washing can be used when:

Make sure the water pressure stays below 2000 psi (14 MPa).

Keep water temperature below 180 °F (80 °C).

Use a nozzle with a 40-degree wide-angle spray pattern.

Hold the nozzle at least 1 ft (300 mm) away from the graphic and perpendicular (90 degrees) to it.

Wipe up any fuel spills immediately to avoid degrading the vinyl and adhesive.

If there is wax or wax residue on the surface, remove it with an all-purpose cleaner.

When using cleaning solution, do not let it stand for soaking, and rinse it with clean water immediately.

If possible, keep wrapped vehicles indoors, in the shade, or under cover to preserve and protect graphics. If garage storage is not an option, consider using a cloth car cover at night to protect from dew or rain that may contain acidic contaminants.

What should I use for spot cleaning?

Use Simple Green or isopropyl rubbing alcohol to clean individual stains. Rinse the area with cool water after cleaning. Do not use tire dressing for spot cleaning as it may splash on the wrap and cause stains. Avoid rubbing the wrap while it is hot, this will distort the material and cause wrinkling.

How do I clean bird droppings, insects, tree sap or other tough stains?

Instantly cleans bird droppings and stubborn stains. Leaving them for too long will make them harder to remove and may permanently damage the wrap. For particularly stubborn stains like bird droppings, bug splatter, tree sap, and road tar, try soaking them in very hot soapy water for a few minutes. Using some denatured alcohol, insect and stain remover, or two parts isopropyl alcohol to one part water may also help loosen and remove these stubborn contaminants. If they remain, you may need to use a special cleaning solution before a full car wash, rinse thoroughly and dry with a microfiber cloth. These solutions can be tested on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure that the cleaner will not damage the wrapper. Do not use solvent or oil based cleaning products!What should I do about a gas or fuel spill?

Wipe up spilled fuel immediately, then wash affected area by hand. Leaving spills on the wrapper for too long will degrade the performance of the vinyl. A quick wipe with a damp wipe at the gas station, which does a good job of cleaning fuel-affected areas until you can go home and do a more thorough job.

Can I park my vehicle outside for an extended period of time?

Spending too much time in the sun or other outdoor elements (rain, smoke, debris, and road pollutants from passing cars) can damage roofs, deck lids, and hood wraps. These horizontal areas are magnets for pollutants, which are exacerbated by UV exposure. Park your car in a garage, under an awning or shelter if possible. If you must park it outside for extended periods of time, look for a shaded parking area.


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